Different ways of
copying an order line file. |
Number of records copied: |
10000 |
Number of date fields in file: |
12 |
Start time |
End time |
CPU seconds |
Run time |
No trigger |
14:02:31 |
14:07:28 |
24 |
0:04:57 |
Trigger using CALL RPG III CvtDat Pgm |
14:02:31 |
14:37:13 |
296 |
0:34:42 |
Trigger using CALLB |
14:02:31 |
15:27:52 |
852 |
1:25:21 |
No trigger |
16:39:39 |
16:43:25 |
24 |
0:03:46 |
Trigger using CALL RPG III CvtDat Pgm |
16:39:39 |
16:56:25 |
286 |
0:16:46 |
Trigger using ExSr |
16:39:39 |
17:07:30 |
851 |
0:27:51 |
No trigger |
10:51:32 |
10:52:48 |
24 |
0:01:16 |
Trigger using CALL RPG-LE CvtDat Pgm with
debug option on H-spec, compile with dbgview(*source), no optimization and all
observability. |
10:51:32 |
11:10:41 |
884 |
0:19:09 |
No trigger |
12:23:38 |
12:25:23 |
24 |
0:01:45 |
Trigger using CALL RPG-LE CvtDat Pgm with
no debug option on H-spec, or from compiler, full optimization and all
observability removed. |
12:23:38 |
12:46:31 |
884 |
0:22:53 |
Trigger using CALL RPG III CvtDat Pgm with
no debug option on H-spec, full optimization and all observability removed. |
12:23:38 |
12:35:24 |
286 |
0:11:46 |
No trigger |
12:40:20 |
12:42:38 |
23 |
0:02:18 |
Trigger with debug option on H-spec,
compile with dbgview(*source), no optimization and all observability. calling
RPG III date conversion and logic rewritten to improve performance. |
12:40:20 |
13:06:49 |
274 |
0:26:29 |
New standard trigger with support for
extra date types, using CALL RPG-LE CvtDat Pgm with debug option on H-spec,
compile with dbgview(*source), no optimization and all observability. Trigger
program logic rewritten to improve performance. |
12:40:20 |
12:53:56 |
844 |
0:13:36 |